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Veda Massage Oil (for Pain Relief)

Veda Massage Oil (for Pain Relief)
Veda Massage Oil (for Pain Relief)
Veda Massage Oil (for Pain Relief)
Veda Massage Oil (for Pain Relief)
Veda Massage Oil (for Pain Relief)
Veda Massage Oil (for Pain Relief)

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Veda Massage Oil (for Pain Relief)

Model Number: VMO200ML
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Your Price: ₹299.00
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Categories: Body Care
Manufacturer: Providential Herbals
  • Description

Veda Massage Oil by Providential Herbals- 100% Herbal Oil for Relief from Arthritis, Rheumatism, Body ache and Muscular Pain.

Cinnamomum Camphora (Camphor/ Karpuram): Camphor tree (Cinnamomum camphora) is an ornamental plant that has been cultivated for a long time to obtain wood or camphor. Furthermore, its essential oil can be used as an alternative medicine and is an important source of perfume.

Camphor obtained from camphor trees has long been used as a treatment for various symptoms such as inflammation, infection, congestion, muscle pain, and irritation in various regions. Camphor products help to relieve muscle cramps, spasms, and stiffness.

Azadirachta Indica (Neem, Nimtree or Indian lilac): In the Indian subcontinent, neem leaves are used to treat dental and gastrointestinal disorders, malaria fevers, skin diseases, and as insects repellent, while the Balinese used neem leaves as a diuretic and for diabetes, headache, heartburn, and stimulating the appetite.
Neem might aid in lowering inflammation and might help reduce associated swelling and pain. It might also be helpful for rheumatoid arthritis, a disease characterised by inflammation and pain in the joints and muscles due to auto-immune reactions.

Rubia Cordifolia (Manjistha or Indian Madder): Rubia cordifolia L. is popular all over the world for its medicinal uses in skin diseases like eczema, dermatitis and skin ulcers. Roots of Rubia cordifolia are a source of bioactive compounds including anthraquinones and triterpenoids. The root is sweet, bitter and has gastro-protective, anti-diarrheal, anti-dysentric, and anti-ulceric properties
 Manjistha has analgesic or pain relieving property due to the presence of certain constituents. Roots of Manjistha might help lower pain and might help relieve pain caused due to an aggravated Vata dosha.

Operculina Turpethum (Trivrit or India Jalap): It is used in number of remedies that treat patients of obesity, paralysis, intermittent fever, colic, constipation, dropsy, jaundice, tumors etc. Turpeth or Operculina turpethum is used in Ayurvedic, Unani and siddha medicinal networks for healing purposes. It is mainly used as expectorant, brain tonic and laxative.
It helps manage symptoms of arthritis such as pain and inflammation due to its analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic properties.

Acorus Calamus (Vacha): Vacha (Acorus calamus Linn. (Acoraceae)) is a traditional Indian medicinal herb, which is practiced to treat a wide range of health ailments, including neurological, gastrointestinal, respiratory, metabolic, kidney, and liver disorders

Due to its anti-inflammatory property, Vacha might be useful in reducing pain and swelling when applied externally on the affected area. Vacha helps in lowering the pain and swelling associated with arthritis due to its property of balancing Vata dosha in the body. 

Anisomeles Malabarica (Malabar Catmint): Anisomeles malabarica is a medicinal plant which belongs to Lamiaceae family. Ethno-botanically, the leaves of Anisomeles malabarica are used in dyspepsia, intermittent fever, colic, boilsand tetanus.

Anisomeles Malabarica is an aromatic Ayurvedic herb used for pain relieving and vata balancing formulations.

Argemone Mexicana (Satyanashi/ Bhatkatiya/ kateli ka phool): Argemone mexicana L. is used in different parts of the world for the treatment of several diseases including tumors, warts, skin diseases, inflammations, rheumatism, jaundice, leprosy, microbial infections, and malaria.
Argemone Mexicana is widely used as a medicinal plant. It is considered a painkiller, diuretic, cholagogue and anti-inflammatory.

Hemidesmus Indicus (Indian Sarsaparilla/ ananthamoola/ naruneendi or nannari): The root of Hemidesmus indicus, commonly known as Indian Sarsaparilla, is used traditionally to treat a wide variety of illnesses including rheumatism, leprosy, impotence, urinary tract and skin infections.

The phytochemical compounds of this herb are coumarin, tannins, saponins and carbohydrates etc. It also contains alkaloid "Tylophorine" which possesses various properties like antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and anaphylactic properties. This herb pacifies the tridosha Vata, Pitta and Kapha dosha in the body.

Aplinia Galanga (Greater Galangal/ Thai ginger/ Kulanjan/ sugandha bach): Alpinia officinarum Hance (galanga) is a perennial ginger family plant. Galanga has been traditionally used for many years to treat several different diseases including cold, pain, inflammation, stomach ache, and microbial infection, and it also works as an antioxidant and anticancer agent.

Mustard Oil:
8 benefits of mustard oil and mustard essential oil, along with some simple ways to use them.

  • May block microbial growth
  • May promote skin and hair health
  • May alleviate pain
  • May slow cancer cell growth
  • May support heart health
  • Reduces inflammation
  • May help treat cold symptoms
  • High smoke point



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